Friday, April 01, 2005

No Foolin'

After being asked for an update on our Weight Watchers diet by my new sis Mopsy, I realized that since posting about starting it, I have yet to discuss the ups and downs of actually being on it. This Sunday will mark two weeks of eating less, and better for us and I've decided to try posting our newest losses (or -gulp- gains) every time we weigh in. Last Sunday (to get everything up-to-date) Mikey and I lost a total of 10 pounds! Imagine my surprise when the scale happily displayed a 7 lb leaner Nini :)
And this my friends is no April Fools! Woohoo!

New computer, less problems?

Woohoo! My first blog entry on our new computer. It's fast, it's pretty, it's not obsolete (for at least another week). I'm excited.
We've been talking about a new computer for probably a year now, but mostly in the off hand "wouldn't it be nice to have a new computer" kind of way.
The other day hubby Mikey braved Costco for a half a million new diapers and he (being the nerd he is) wandered through the electronics section. Imagine his happy state after finding a great deal on a computer worth drooling over. We talked it over and decided that we really do need a nifty flat panel screen and that the IRS can help us pay for it. So last night -after a week stuck in the house due to more colds- the four of us packed into the car for a very eventful trip to the land of giant things (Costco has jars of olives bigger than my head!) After we got home, Mikey had the whole thing set up faster than you can say, "gallon tubs of mayo."
Voila! Today I'm blogging in style.