Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday we had a super gorgeous day here in Denver. There was a bright blue sky, a nice warm sun, and the kids and I had plans to go to the zoo.

I love the zoo. I'm so happy that as a parent I can take my children to a place that stimulates and excites my children as much as it does me.
We met up with a bunch of other moms and tots from the Colorado Moms (such a wonderful group of people). It was a blast and by the end of the day all three of us were completely pooped. I can't wait to go again sunburn and all (yes, I used sunblock, but annoyingly I missed a spot) it was worth it! Hopefully next time we can have Mikey come along too (he'd probably feel right at home with this guy).

Monday, May 09, 2005

Talk about spoiled

If I were to say that I was spoiled yesterday, it would be a gross understatement. My mommy's day was nothing short of fantastic.
When I woke up, I was served a yummy breakfast (though hubby Mikey was disappointed that we were missing syrup for waffles). Then I was given my first (yes there were more than one) present of the day, Gilmore Girls season 3, a show that both Mikey and I are addicted to. I was then instructed to take a shower and get ready while HM and Sweetiepeas ran an errand. When they returned they and Ethan sent me to my room while the 3 of them did secret whispered stuff at the other end of the house. When they had finished I was told to close my eyes and wait till the count of three at which time I was presented gift #2... a new laptop!! After I tested out my new toy by blogging yesterday's posts & Sweetiepeas was rejuvenated by a nap, we went to a late lunch at On The Border (yum!) Tummies full we headed to the mall for gift #3... what Ethan calls my new princess clothes (isn't he just the cutest? Hey so are the clothes!). We returned home tired, pooped, worn out, and a little snotty (I think we're all coming down with something again). What a wonderful happy mommy's day to me! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family, you won't catch me asking for anything more!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mummy's Day

To my Mum,
Even though you haven't been in my life for an extremely long time, you've been a great influence in the things that have had great bearing in how I live. You have the bragging rights to the wonderful man who is my husband (though you may in some cases choose denial). :) You've been a wonderful shoulder for tears, and your ears have been lent without question. I value your opinion greatly, and hope to make you proud of the way I'm raising your grandbabies. Have a wonderful Mummy's Day you deserve the best! I love you!

Double Duty

To my mom,
Today is not only the day to celebrate you being the bearer of three children, it's also the day to celebrate the anniversary of your birth.
You have much to celebrate, and not just because society makes a rule of it, but because you are such a special person. I know both of my brothers to be wonderful people, and I see a lot of your influence in their ways. I see your smile shine through when Jim is happy, and your polite demure in Lee's eyes. I hope that I too reflect your niceties, even a small bit of your attributes filtered through me would be most welcome and well received. Your patience is truly a virtue to be admired and something I aspire to achieve. Not to mention your positive nature, you're usually the first to spot a silver lining. So, here's to you! My mom, my role model. I love you.