Friday, April 15, 2005

Tax day

So today is the day the IRS demands an answer to the question of who owes whom. Our taxes have been filed for about a month -thank goodness for H&R Block, buying and selling homes every year makes filing online a bit taxing on the brain.- We've also already spent the money the tax man owes us (the shiny new computer I'm currently on).

In that vein, today meant little in the financial sense. For me, today meant getting a bit closer to completing a project that has wedged its thorny self into my side. Today meant PAINTING.

When we first moved into this house there were a few changes we wanted to see happen in the "make this house ours" sense. One of these changes involved wallpaper -or the hopeful lack thereof- and this is what has since turned into a major project.

To start the project off (last August -ahem-) there was the removal of the nasty stuff which included the use of razor blades and three increasingly less patient people (I had help from my mom and dad). During the next phase I folded and brought in the use of professionals (my impatience had gotten the best of me). After the "demolition" crew came and went there were two weekend days occupied with mudding, sanding, priming and a kind brother who took pity on me and lent a hand (a great many thank you's to Leeber). This is where I started today, on freshly primed walls. Ready for a shiny new, much easier to clean, coat. Now I'm pooped. I'd say the kitchen is about 99% completed and there is a wall and a half to finish in the nook area, but overall I'm pleased. Our kitchen looks real again, almost usable. I'm not making any promises (since it's taken so long just to get to this point), but I'm hoping to be hanging pictures by the end of the weekend. Ok so I can promise not to hold my breath.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Yes today is the 14th

I'm having a bit of a motivational issue when it comes to my blog. I know, I know -gasp- that's so hard to believe!
I envision myself blogging every day -sometimes two or three times when I've had a really eventful day- (ok stop laughing) I realize that I don't generally have anything exciting to blog about and when I do, I'm too pooped to post.
Well no more! -maybe- we'll see...

I've decided I'm going to start one of those lists. (Remember I LOVE lists.) "One of those lists" being the kind where people write down the things they want to do/see/accomplish before they die -or so it's not morbid, say, before I turn 50.-

I already have one thing:
I would like to see my favorite team play in their home stadium. My favorite team is Newcastle United. (GO Magpies!!) Their home stadium is St. James' Park in Newcastle, England. So, it's a little bit more involved than if my favorite team were the Denver Broncos & I could just drive my happy little self to Invesco field to buy crazy over priced sniper tickets.

As an addendum to #1 on my list, I'd love to see my favorite player in action, Alan Shearer. I was upset to hear this was to be his last season, but I found out that -thank my lucky stars- he's just decided to play on another year. This doesn't mean that I'll be able to get to the UK in time to see him play, but it does give me more of a fighting chance since the current season ends next month.

This might not be too doable, but you never know -Hmm... maybe I should go get my passport renewed!-

I know I have more "to do's" but I really want to make this list with some thought. I'll be adding on to it as I figure out the must do's. Hopefully it will help me continue to blog with out weekly breaks!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Spring had been marred & we get thinner

Well apparently my last post needed to be proven right (you can just scroll down if you missed it). Our beautiful vaguely existent spring was indeed tarnished by a snow storm. Oh, by the way it wasn't just any snow storm, it was: "The Spring Blizzard of 2005". A couple feet of snow isn't all that bad, although it did shut down two highways to two different state lines... anyhow, I'm betting it will all be melted by tomorrow.

On to our weigh-in... We're still doing a good job -slow and steady- the best way to lose.
Hubby Mikey lost an additional 3 lbs this week (woohoo!) and I lost another pound and a half. I'm hoping if we continue to lose steadily, like we are, that we'll be hitting our goals just about the time we take our first family vacation. The plan right now is to leave round about the 2nd or 3rd week in July so we still have some time to get skinny. Our trip also falls around Mikey's 27th birthday (he may have lost that many pounds by then too!) He deserves a good birthday. His last two were steam rolled by our moves cross country. I'm so excited for us to have a trip together that doesn't involve boxes or bubble wrap (I'm sure Mikey will be too)!
I'm know I will be updating this blog regarding our getaway plans as they become more of a reality. What a treat it will be!